Sioux Falls Safety Village Offers Teen Car Safety and Repair Programs
The Safety Village of South Dakota is working to educate and inform young children, teens, and adults with the aim of reducing accidents of all kinds, helping them understand and identify safety issues, and to help us all make healthy injury prevention choices.
One of the many educational programs they offer is the C.R.A.S.H. (Car Repair and Safety Help) Clinics for Teens. These hands-on clinics have one goal and that is to provide teens with the necessary skills and training they should have before they become vehicle owners and operators.
The next C.R.A.S.H. Clinic for teens ages 13 to 18, is coming up on Saturday, May 11, from 10 AM to 2 PM, at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds, (100 N. Lyon Boulevard) the cost is $25 and lunch is provided. Pre-registration is required.
Clinic participants will learn about basic car maintenance, learn to identify what's under the hood, how to change a tire, the rules of the road, the dangers of distracted and impaired driving and what to do in an emergency.
Teens will also get tips on driving on our rural roads and learn the specific South Dakota laws dealing with texting while driving and wearing a seat belt. Learner permits are not required to take this course.
For more information see Safety Village of South Dakota or call 605-334-7233.
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