In 1983, as a 22-year-old with the world by the tail, I landed in Sioux Falls as the afternoon drive announcer at 93 KKRC-FM! When I was tearing up the Night City dance floor, and eating more Barn’rd’s roast beef sandwiches then anyone should have been allowed to, if you told me that 30 plus years later I would be back on KKRC-FM, I would have spit in your general direction! Now, after a 25-year law enforcement career, and a whole lot of life experience, here we are, you and me, back on KKRC-FM…having fun and listening to Sioux Falls Greatest Hits!
Adam North
Taking the First Step to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor
I’ve decided that during this year's “Drive Out Domestic Violence” campaign I’m going to talk directly to you…yes you…a victim of Domestic Violence.