Looking for a teaching job, the Sioux Falls School District wants to talk with you.

The new school year begins in one month, scary, I know. The clock is ticking and the district has 11 teacher openings to fill before the first school bell rings.

Sioux Falls School District Senior Human Resources Director Becky Dorman told Dakota News Now, "So this is a critical time, because in most situations you’ve depleted your applicant pool, because everyone in the area has been hiring teachers. We always need teachers.”

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The Sioux Falls district isn't the only one in the state that needs more educators. According to Dorman, "Some of the bright spots of those openings that are remaining is several schools were grant recipients. So the postings, about half of those were because we got some new FTE for teachers, and that’s always a good thing. So we’re just working through filling those positions."

Dakota News Now reports that the district has also been encouraging current staff to explore ways to become certified teachers through non-traditional ways. An example of a couple of those avenues include financial incentives from the district to help with cost of a degree, and working with the Department of Education’s Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway program.

When it comes to employment opportunities within the Sioux Falls School District, there are far more positions open than just 11 vacant educator positions, the district is also on the search for other vital school staff, like support staff that handle day-to-day operations in buildings and in offices. Not to mention the need for people willing to be substitute teachers.

The need is great, but the district remains hopeful those 11 positions will be filled by the time the first school bell rings for the start of the new school year on August 22.

Get more information on the positions that are currently open here.

Source: Dakota News Now 

The 10 Largest Occupations in Sioux Falls

Where do people in Sioux Falls work? If this was fifty years ago the average Sioux Fallsian worked in some industrial, meat packing, or farm-related position. Sioux Falls has also been the major regional medical center for decades.

Customer service and other retail-related jobs have always been a part of the Sioux Empire's economy. But in recent years those industries have become major employers.

If you live in Sioux Falls, there's a pretty good chance you work one of these jobs. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the top 10 largest occupations in Sioux Falls (as of 2022).

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

The 10 Largest Occupations in South Dakota

Where do people in South Dakota work?

If you were a South Dakotan a hundred years ago, chances are you had a job related to farming or ranching. If you weren't doing the farming, you were selling things to the farmers, fixing things for the farmers, or buying things from the farmers.

In the 2020s, things are very different.

Most of us in the SD work in health care or the service industry in one way or another. In fact, there are more nurses in South Dakota than the entire population of the state capital, Pierre.

Today far more people work at a store or restaurant than have probably ever even been on a farm. Time passes and things change, always. Fifty years from now who knows what jobs South Dakotans will be doing

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the top 10 largest occupations in South Dakota (as of 2022).

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns


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