What Are South Dakota’s Tiniest Towns?
Tiny towns, every state has them and South Dakota is no exception.
Because of our relatively low population base, to begin with, South Dakota's tiny towns are REALLY tiny when compared to most states.
At one point and time, we have all driven through little communities that appear to have nothing more than a gas station, a grain bin, a corner bar, and maybe a water tower if they're lucky.
These South Dakota towns are just that, and even less in some cases.
Let's take a peek at the top 10 South Dakota Tiny Towns according to Only in Your State.
At number ten is the tiny town of Gayville South Dakota. Located just over an hour southwest of Sioux Falls, Gayville's claim to fame is its Old Time Music Hall. According to the 2019 census, Gayville has a population of 352 people.
The tiny town of Egan comes in at number nine on South Dakota's Tiniest Towns list. Egan has a population of 283 folks. Located in Moody County, Egan also has a reputation for being a big pheasant hunting community. Starting in mid-October, a number of pheasant hunters from across the region will begin to converge on the Egan area.
At number eight, is the whopping South Dakota metropolis of Colome. A tiny little town located in Tripp County. This little South Dakota community was actually named after two brothers who gave it their family name, Colombe in 1905. At last check, Colome had a population of 278.
With only 271 residents, the tiny town of Bonesteel is the seventh entry on South Dakota's tiniest town list. Bonesteel is located near the Missouri River and sits on only .35 square miles of land. Now that's what I call tiny!
At number six on the list is the South Dakota town of Henry. Located in Codington County, Henry has a total of 257 folks that call it home. Henry's first post office opened in 1879, and is still operational today.
The tiny town of New Effington checks in at number five. Like me, there's a good chance you've never heard of New Effington. My apologies to the 256 people living there. I'm sure it's a very charming little community. New Effington is famous for its Country Tractor Run which raises money for the Make A Wish Foundation.
The fourth tiniest town in South Dakota is Kennebec. According to the folks at Only in Your State, Kennebec has a total of 242 people that call it home. Located right off Exit 235 on I-90, you can't miss Kennebec on your way to the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.
Working our way into the top three tiniest South Dakota towns, we find the little town of Toronto. This Toronto won't be confused with the capital of Ontario anytime soon. Toronto South Dakota boasts its own tractor repair shop, auto body shop, and church to name a few town highlights. Toronto has a total of 213 people that make their home there.
They call me Bruce. That's the tiny town that checks in at number two on our South Dakota tiniest towns list. Word has it, Bruce was originally named "Lie" but for some unknown reason was re-named Bruce. Hey, I think I know why. It's because all of its 205 residents are Springsteen fans. Okay, I'm lying. Get it, lie, lying. I know, a poor attempt at humor, sorry!
We have finally arrived at the top South Dakota tiny town. I'm not even sure this town even qualifies being called a town as it only plays home to three, count them, three people!!! The town is known as Hillsview. Back in the mid 20th century, Hillsview was actually a prosperous railroad and agricultural town that had several hundred residents and a handful of businesses. Since then, the population has dwindled down to three folks. The picture above is what it looks like now. Yikes!
Source: Only in Your State
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