I don't know about you, but when people talk about earthquakes, South Dakota isn't the first state I think of. California, sure. Alaska, yes. But South Dakota? Not so much.

But they do happen and according to the South Dakota Geological Survey over 100 of them have occurred since the first one was recorded back in 1872 and up until 2022.

The most recent ground rumbler in South Dakota was about 7 miles south of Martin on December 18, 2023. It registered a magnitude of 2.7, which is about the same intensity as a moderate bolt of lightning.

But a much larger quake occurred just over the South Dakota border in 1967, registering a 5.1 on the Richter scale and it was strongly felt in the Martin area. This earthquake was strong enough to cause some property damage and is compared in intensity to an average tornado.

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According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the largest quake ever registered in South Dakota, with its epicenter in the state (not just felt over the border) was a 4.5 magnitude quake that hit south of Huron in June of 1911. It was reported to have caused a near panic with residents running into the streets to avoid injury.

If you wonder where all of these South Dakota quakes have occurred check out the cool U.S. Geological Survey map, including an interactive feature that allows you to check out earthquakes old and more recent.

Road Trip-Worthy Restaurants Within 90 Minutes of Sioux Falls

Veer off the beaten path. Take a road trip and try some favorite small-town eateries. Just by driving a few miles, you could find some delicious hidden gems.

From steaks to seafood, chislic to chicken, these are out-of-the-way unexpected finds that will make your taste buds tingle.

Here's a list of 14 Road Trip-Worthy Restaurants within 90 minutes of Sioux Falls.

Gallery Credit: Karla Brown

South Dakota Is Home to Two of the World’s Biggest Caves

When you're looking for some of the biggest ones of these on the planet, look no further than South Dakota.

You'll find them right under your nose.
Statista has compiled a list of the longest caves in the world and two of the top six are just 30 miles apart in the Black Hills.

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