FEMA Registration Deadline Extended, Recovery Centers Closing
The year 2019 will go down as one of the more difficult ones for people in our area, thanks to the severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding which occurred here. The extensive damage to homes and businesses was jaw-dropping in some cases and the economic impact remains to be seen.
It is for those very reasons that FEMA has extended its registration deadline to Friday, January 31st. However, the Disaster Recovery Centers will continue to close.
Centers closing this Friday, January 17, include:
- Alexandria - - Hanson County Courthouse
- Mitchell - - Davison County Fairgrounds
- Madison - - Lake County building
Additionally, the Plankinton center at the Aurora County Courthouse will close on Saturday, January 18.
After the centers close, homeowners and renters with disaster-related damage in designated counties can still register, or get other help, by visiting FEMA online or calling the disaster assistance helpline at 800-621-3362 or TTY at 800-462-7585. Lines are open daily from 7 a.m.- 11 p.m.
Individuals and families can receive help with rent, home repairs, cleanup assistance, personal property losses, and other disaster-related costs not covered by insurance.
Businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters are also able to apply for low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration. For more information, applicants may contact SBA’s Disaster Assistance Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955. TTY users may also call 800-877- 8339.

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