After Russian Threats, FEMA Now Shows 50 Illinois Nuke Targets?After Russian Threats, FEMA Now Shows 50 Illinois Nuke Targets?After recent Russian threats, an updated FEMA map now shows upwards of 50 Illinois nuclear targets.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Prepare for Spring FloodingPrepare for Spring FloodingFlood insurance needs to be part of your plan.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
FEMA Disaster Assistance Deadline Extended For South DakotaFEMA Disaster Assistance Deadline Extended For South DakotaFEMA assistance deadline extended.Chuck WoodChuck WoodDakota News NowDakota News Now
FEMA Repair and Rebuild Advice Still Available in Sioux FallsFEMA Repair and Rebuild Advice Still Available in Sioux FallsHelp is still available to survivors of the storms and flooding in September.Patty DeePatty Dee
FEMA Registration Deadline Extended, Recovery Centers ClosingFEMA Registration Deadline Extended, Recovery Centers ClosingIf you had storm damage or losses and need help recovering, FEMA has extended the registration deadline.Patty DeePatty Dee
Disaster Recovery Centers Remain OpenDisaster Recovery Centers Remain OpenFEMA assisting home and business owners through January 4.Dave RobertsDave Roberts
FEMA Opening Six South Dakota Disaster Recovery CentersFEMA Opening Six South Dakota Disaster Recovery CentersIf you received damage in September's storms and flooding, this is information you may need.Patty DeePatty Dee