7 Items You Should Never Leave In Your Car During An Iowa Winter
No we're not done with winter yet. It's only January and we have plenty of cold and snow that could be heading our way in the months ahead.
There are certain things that are perfectly fine to leave in your car year-round, like extra blankets, and anything else you have in a winter survival kit. True, you might need to take that candle out of the car in the summer, but that's for later.
There are numerous items that you just need to take out of the car this winter for your benefit and the item's.
So during the next Iowa cold snap, it's best to make sure this stuff doesn't end up staying in your vehicle.
7 Things You Should Never Leave In Your Car in the Winter
I was surprised to hear this one because I quite often leave sunglasses in a holder in my car. But apparently the cold can damage the frames of the glasses and in turn, the lenses. So obviously this applies to your regular glasses too.
The batteries that power your laptop, smartphone and tablet do not like extremely cold weather at all.
Truthfully, whether it is extreme cold or heat - -both could be potentially harmful to your medications effectiveness. It is always best to keep your meds at room temperature.
Canned soda
If you've ever accidentally left a soda in your freezer, you know exactly what the inside of your car would look like if you ever left an unopened can of pop in it!
While it is true that you can freeze eggs (apparently up to a year, according to the USDA). You really don't want to do it unintentionally if you're planning on using them right away. But if it happens, let them thaw in the fridge and then use them.
Don't Let Your Gas Tank Get Too Low
Who could have guessed that my parent's advice was true. Keeping your gas tank more than half full in the winter keeps fuel lines from freezing.
We all know you shouldn't leave your pet in a blazing hot vehicle (window open or not), but the same goes for the unbearable cold of winter.
Sources: Reader's Digest and The Family Handyman
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