I-229 Benson Road Project
In the early '80s, I-229 around the city of Sioux Falls was seeing less than 10,000 vehicles per day. Jump forward 30 years and we now have over 40,000 commuters per day using this same roadway. After the Benson Road interchange was added in 1991 traffic increased even more.
Now after several years of study by the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) and the City of Sioux Falls, recommendations for an improved interchange should be a high priority.
There are many developments planned for the northeast part of Sioux Falls and with the projected traffic volume more lanes will be added to Benson Road.
The SDDOT, in collaboration with the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Sioux Falls, will hold a public open house from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM on Thursday, February 27 at the Sioux Falls Water Reclamation Facility, 4500 North Sycamore Avenue.
Those attending will learn about the study’s recommendations, the environmental process and have the opportunity to record any concerns on the recommendations for the corridor along Benson Road between Lewis Avenue and Hall Avenue, including the Exit 9 Interchange at I-229.
Source: BensonRoadProject.com

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