You’re Never Gonna Believe Who Drinks More Beer Than South Dakota
It's no secret that South Dakotans like to drink, especially beer.
We live in the heartland, for Pete's sake, where it's hotter than the surface of the sun during the summer months and bitterly cold almost half of the year. We South Dakotans need a little somethin' to help cope with the harsh weather months in this state.
Then you need to factor the Vikings into the equation. It's also no secret that a great majority of South Dakotans are Minnesota Viking fans, and that alone can cause a person to drink. Just ask any dire-hard fan of the purple and gold. How many Super Bowls have they won? Need I say more.

South Dakotans almost wear their beer drinking abilities like a badge of honor. I mean, nobody is gonna be able to outdrink a hearty South Dakotan, right?
Come to find out, maybe we're wrong.
The folks at the Visual Capitalist mapped out the average beer consumption in the U.S. by state, and no surprise, South Dakota is in the Top 5. When it comes to beer drinkers in the nation, we rank #4.
According to their findings, the average beer-drinking South Dakotan over the age of 21 consumes 37.3 gallons of beer per year. Our beer of choice is none other than an ice-cold Budweiser.
Okay, so who outdrank us?
Believe it or not, coming in at # 3 was North Dakota.
It makes sense when you think about it. What else is the average North Dakotan gonna do but drink? Well, I suppose drink and farm, and not necessarily in that order.
North Dakota just edged out South Dakota at 37.5 gallons per year, per beer-drinking adult.
The #2 state is no big shocker either, Montana. If you live in Montana, there's the Rocky Mountains and beer. And the average Montanan loves them both.
Like South Dakota, the people of Montana like their Budweiser, to the tune of 41.1 gallons of brew each year being consumed by the average beer-drinking adult over 21.
Now here's where things begin to get wonky. The gang at the Visual Capitalist claims the #1 beer-drinking state in the nation is...
New Hampshire! Seriously? New Hampshire???
Supposedly the folks in New Hampshire outdrank every other state in the nation, with 41.5 gallons of beer being consumed annually per capita.
New Hampshire! Come on! Chop suey is the state's comfort food, for crying out loud! The average beer-drinking South Dakotan would have a beer drinker in New Hampshire under the table in 30 minutes or less.
What do you say we invite a few hard-core New Hampshire beer drinkers to a good old-fashioned South Dakota kegger, and we'll see who's left standing at the end of the evening after several games of quarters? We can use my garage.
Source: The Visual Capitalist
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