We all have a lot of excuses for why we're not pursuing a healthier lifestyle, believe me, I know. But if your list of excuses includes things like; you don't have the proper equipment, you don't belong to a gym or you don't have time and you can't afford it, maybe this is an idea that will work for you.

Sanford Wellness and the Sioux Falls Parks & Rec Department are offering free Functional Fitness classes over the lunch hour at the Downtown River Greenway Amphitheater. There is one every Tuesday and Thursday through June 26th. Classes begin at 12:15 and run for 30 minutes. You learn great exercises that require no equipment, except your own body, but do give you a great workout. You must be 18 or older and need to bring a water bottle and a mat . Pre-registration is required and ends five business days before each class.

For more information, call 367-82-22. To register online, click here.

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