Threat at Sioux Falls School Being Investigated
An overnight threat at a Sioux Falls school is being investigated. KSFY TV is reporting that authorities are investigating an online threat made against Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School.
According to a message sent out to parents, the Sioux Falls School District and the Sioux Falls Police Department were made aware of an online threat Tuesday morning. Police say they are working to determine who created the post.
KSFY says extra officers will be on hand at Roosevelt Tuesday morning due to the threat. However, authorities say the school day will continue like normal.
According to the report the Sioux Falls School District and the Sioux Falls Police Department were made aware of the online threat Tuesday morning. This note was sent out to parents:
"The Sioux Falls School District and Sioux Falls Police Department were made aware overnight of an online threat against Roosevelt High School. An investigation of the source of the threats has been conducted and will be ongoing by the Sioux Falls Police Department and their federal supports. We will continually provide updates to you as they become available. The school day will continue as normal and extra police officers will be at Roosevelt this AM. As always, we ask that you continue to report anything out of the ordinary and remember that if you see something, say something so that school officials and law enforcement professionals can investigate. Our foremost goal is to keep our students and school community safe and we appreciate your support in doing so."
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