This woman's picture is going viral as she stood outside an Iowa bar and flashed her breasts when the Google Maps camera car drove past.

Have you ever seen the Google Maps car drive by with all the cameras and thought to yourself..."I should flash that thing"? Iowa woman apparently did. 

People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Maps
People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Maps

The Google Maps flashing took place outside The Junk Yard Bar and Grill at 324 Front St, Barnum, Iowa.

3 people stood by at the front entrance of the bar and watched as the unnamed Iowa woman pulled up her shirt exposing her breasts to be immortalized in the Google universe.

People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Maps / Canva
People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Earth Maps / Canva

Google Maps pixilated the X-rated image of a woman flashing her “girls” but in the background you can make out one woman capturing the event on her cellphone.

There is also a dude next to the cellphone lady getting in on the action by pulling up his shirt to do a little flashing of his own.

People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Maps / Canva
People Watch Iowa Woman Flash Google Maps Camera Outside Bar-Google Maps / Canva

I wonder if any beer was involved?

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