You don't have to live in South Dakota to have that Dakota spirit. But you do have to know some stuff about the Mount Rushmore State.

So how South Dakotan are you? Take the quiz and see how you rank!  How many of these 10 South Dakota questions can you answer correctly?

Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock
Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock

1. This South Dakota dish is typically made from cubes of lamb, venison, or beef that is deep-fried and served with dipping sauce. What is it called?

2. Jack McCall was tried, convicted, and hanged in 1877 for killing Wild Bill Hickok. Where is Jack McCall buried?

3. You can get your picture taken on a big antlered rabbit outside of Wall Drug. What is that rabbit called?

Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock
Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock

4. What South Dakota town boasts of being the geographical center of the United States?

5. South Dakota's top five agricultural products are cattle, corn, soybeans, wheat, and What?

6. Can you name the 4 faces on Mount Rushmore in order from left to right?

Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock
Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock

7. The world's only WHAT is in Mitchell?

8. What is South Dakota's Official State Dessert?

9. In 1990 one of the best Tyrannosaurus Rex specimens ever found in the world was unearthed by Faith, South Dakota. What is its name?

10. What is the state sport of South Dakota?

Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock
Mount Rushmore of Quizzes! How South Dakota Are You-Getty Thinkstock

Check out the Answers Below and see how many correct answers you got right and how you ranked?

1. Chislic
2. He is buried in an unmarked grave in the Yankton cemetery.
3. A Jackalope
4. Belle Fourche
5. Hogs
6. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln
7. Corn Palace
8. Kuchen
9. Sue
10. Rodeo

Here's How You Ranked!

1 – 2 Right Answers: Just keep heading east on I-90
3 – 4 Right Answers: You've achieved 'Tourist' status.
5 – 6 Right Answers: You've been paying attention.
7 – 8 Right Answers: Giddy Up! You could pass as South Dakotan!
9 - 10 Right Answers: You Are A Real South Dakotan!


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