Make Room for ‘Peep on a Perch’ Where ‘Elf on the Shelf’ Used to Sit
It most likely is just me, but I always found the concept of "Elf on the Shelf" a little creepy. I mean, isn't Santa all-seeing and all-knowing, anyway? What does he need with a googly-eyed little urchin spying on us?
Anyway, now you can give the kids a springtime reminder to behave by giving them the "Peep on a Perch" gift set for their Easter Baskets. But of course you'll need the stuffed peep long before Easter to keep an eye on them, so it may be too late this year.
Or you could just use the marshmallow Peeps as a substitute this year. That way you could put them all over the house, in the car, and even have them in your purse, with you, wherever your kids might have the urge to misbehave.
In any case, now I'm wondering what the authors might come up with for the summer and fall seasons, that could keep kids on the straight and narrow. Perhaps "Firefly on the File Cabinet" or "Witch on a Workbench", maybe even "Mummy on the Mantel"?
Ah, merchandising really is an art isn't it?
To find your "Peep on a Perch" check local stores and of course Amazon.
Sources: Country Living and Amazon
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