James Corden Takes His Shot At “Mount Trumpmore”
South Dakota is no stranger to the national media spotlight, especially during the course of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Even late-night television hosts have mentioned the state in their opening monologues. For example, James Corden mentioned his views on South Dakota's infamous meth campaign, "Meth, We're On It."
Well, now the host of The Late Late Show is at it again playfully joking about Trump's request to have his face on Mount Rushmore.
On Tuesday night's show, James Corden and his crew broadcasted their first show back in the studio. He talks about the show's new set design along with reintroducing the crew members that made the show possible. James Corden then transitioned into the top news stories generating interests. The story that topped the segment: The White House's request to add President Trump's face to Mount Rushmore.
I have to say, James Corden put a smile on my face while talking about this controversial topic. He jokingly explains that the worst that anyone can tell the president is no, so he really has nothing to lose. James Corden states, "I'd ask. What's the worst that can happen?! The worst-case scenario is that you're back in the same place. Do you know what I mean? The best-case scenario is someone says 'Yes, absolutely.' "
In reality, adding a fifth face on Mount Rushmore is not possible due to its rock formation. According to an article from the Argus Leader, Mount Rushmore National Memorial Chief of Interpretation and Education, Maureen McGee-Ballinger explains to Argus, "The rock that surrounds the sculpted faces is not suitable for additional carving. When Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mount Rushmore died in 1941, his son Lincoln Borglum closed down the project and stated that no more carvable rock existed.” Another reason relates to Borglum's vision for the sculpture. Mount Rushmore represents the country's first 150 years of history through its birth, growth, and preservation.
Oh, by the way, Corden also took this opportunity to poke some fun at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

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