There is no denying that holiday time will be here faster than we want it to. Still, all of the catalogs, decorations, commercials, and music, draw you in. I'll admit it, I opened a catalog the other day and fell in love with a furReal Cubby Panda bear toy.
I really, really want the adorable bear who dances, gives hugs, plays games and makes eating sounds when you feed him. OMG, I am a total sucker for anything "panda", but, I wish I'd never seen it!
It is just one of many toys your kids may have on their wishlists this year.
The Today Show makes a habit every year of finding out what some of the hottest toys will be for the holiday season and sharing with wary parents across the country.
Here are just a few things from inexpensive to outrageously-priced that your children may long for this year. (Besides my panda, that is.)
- Barbie Color Reveal Doll - Around $15. This weird (to me) creation isn't available until December 1, but you can pre-order it. Your child gets a doll covered from head-to-toe in some sort of light pink coating that dissolves when you dunk her in water. This reveals her skin tone, eye color, etc. (I had a Barbie once, that you could dip in water too, but only her swimsuit changed color. Boring, right?)
- Pop Pops Snotz Slime Slammer Hammer - $15 to $17. Come on, the word "snot" is in the name, you know your kid will love it!
- Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak - Around $80. With a smartphone or tablet, your child can "magically" disappear from a photo.
- Baby Shark Fingerlings - $10. Yup, that "Baby Shark" responds to sound & motion and sings the famous tune. Again, this thing is so cute--I want one!
- Cabbage Patch Kids Naptime Babies - $30. They're ba-a-a-c-k, again! Impossibly cute just like they were before.
- Hot Wheels Super Ultimate Garage Play Set - $170. Parking for over 140 cars! (Where was this when my nephew Mikey was little? He would have loved it! Well, I guess he can now get it for his 3 boys!)
This is a tiny fraction of the fun, adorable, educational, wacky, or totally out-there toys, available and desired by kids, this year.
For more information and ideas, see Today Shopping and Today Parents, before heading to your Sioux Falls toy retailers, because shopping local really does matter!
Sources: Today Shopping and Today Parents
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