Hidden Valley Ranch Has Great Christmas Gift Crap
If you have someone on your Christmas list, like me, that is in love with Hidden Valley Ranch dressing you are going to be happy to see this. Hidden Valley Ranch has a whole line of Christmas themed goodies.
I have an almost unhealthy relationship with Ranch Dressing. I like it on just about everything. So when I found out there was a place I could go to and get Holiday Ranch swag I was giddy. Check these out!
Hidden Valley Ranch Tree Topper: Toss out that old star your kid made and start a new family tradition by topping your tree with a lit bottle of Ranch dressing! It sends just the right message to your young one. Food is really what makes mommy & daddy happy.
Magnum of Ranch: Why take a snooty bottle of Merlot to your next holiday party when you can arrive with a 1.75 liter of Ranchy goodness? When you arrive toss the cap away and just pass the jug around.
Hidden Valley Ranch Inflatable Bottle: Time to put that annoying neighbor with the big inflatable lawn Santa in his place. For only $150.00 bucks you can mount this 6.5-foot tall inflatable bottle of Ranch Dressing up on your roof. Santa will stop at your house for sure this year!
Ranch Fanny Pack: If you're still able to pull yourself off the couch after years of Ranch Dressing consumption, you may want to pick up this Hidden Valley Fanny Pack. It would be handy to carry to your next Cardiology appointment or emergency room visit.
Hidden Valley Christmas Sweater: Tired of losing all those company Ugly Sweater contests? For only $50 large you could be a shoe it to win this year!
Happy Shopping...and dipping!
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