Here Is The Age When You Should Quit Shoveling Snow In Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota
It's been a snowy winter so far this year in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota. So at what age is too dangerous for you to be out shoveling snow?
All indications are that it will be the snowiest winter we have had in a very long time in the midwest.
And of course, we all have to keep our driveways, sidewalks, mailboxes, and other areas cleared of snow. So that means a lot of shoveling.
Every year an average of 11,500 people a year have cardiac-related events while shoveling snow.
There are also many snow shoveling cardiac-related deaths each year.
So at what age is it just not safe to be shoveling snow anymore?
Barry A. Franklin has studied the effects of snow shoveling on the heart and is the lead author of an American Heart Association scientific statement on exercise-related heart risks.
AARP.ORG is reporting that Barry Franklin says that at age 45 you should consider not shoveling snow anymore.
Franklin's study indicates about 85 percent of U.S. adults age 50-plus already have underlying coronary artery disease and advises that anyone age 45 or older should not be shoveling snow.
Franklin stated that “If you’re over age 45, I’m pretty sure you’ve got underlying heart disease. I’d say you’re probably better off to hire a neighborhood kid to do your driveway.”
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