Bigfoot Has Been Found In Downtown Deadwood, South Dakota
The elusive Bigfoot has been spotted all over the world but most recently he's been found in downtown Historic Deadwood, South Dakota. And stands 15' feet tall. Wow!
Whether mythical or real this shy big hairy apelike beast is referred to as Grassman, Sasquatch, Yeti, even Abominable Snowman.
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization says South Dakota is on record with 19 reported Bigfoot encounters over the years.

As of Wednesday you can stop by the western South Dakota town of Deadwood and introduce yourself to the cities latest full-time resident named “Bigfoot”
This 15' foot Sasquatch carved by chainsaw artist Jordan Dahl can now be viewed hanging out on Main Street of Deadwood, South Dakota.
According to Jordan Dahl's Facebook page, “Big Foot made his way to Deadwood yesterday. Swing on down Historic Main Street to see the amazing sculpture by Jordan Dahl. This fella stands 15’ tall and is doing a great job of keeping an eye on things at our shop!”
The award-winning artist brothers Jarrett and Jordan Dahl grew up in Dawson, Minnesota. They state that they are "Chainsaw artists who carve life and beauty back into dead trees."
Jarrett and Jordan discovered their chainsaw talent in the summer of 2004 while visiting Alaska.
They are currently producing amazing chainsaw artwork that shows up all over the United States and most notably in our little corner of heaven, South Dakota.
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