3 Sioux Falls Area Socially Distant Places You Should Hike Around
During this ongoing pandemic, lots of folks are looking for outdoor social-distancing opportunities. I know I sure have been.
In my effort to find some outdoor adventures to hike during this pandemic I really enjoyed these three Sioux Falls Area Socially Distant Places you might wanna try too.
1)-Spirit Mound Historic Prairie
Spirit Mound Historic Prairie, located about 50 minutes southwest of Sioux Falls, is recorded as “one of the few remaining physical features on the Upper Missouri River that is readily identifiable as a place Lewis and Clark visited.”
The explorers recorded that many Indian tribes had said that Spirit Mound was the “residence of Deavels. That they are in human form with remarkable large heads, and about 18 inches high, that they are very watchful and are arm'd with Sharp arrows with which they Can Kill at a great distance; they are Said to kill all persons who are So hardy as to attempt to approach the hill; they state that tradition informs them that many Indians have Suffered by these little people.”
2)-Leaders Park Sioux Falls
Leaders Park in Sioux Falls at 500 N Leadale Ave. is a large forested space with a community garden & a series of single-track mountain biking trails which make great hiking trails in the winter. There is also a very spirited sledding hill which is used by sledders and snowboarders.
3)-Palisades State Park
Palisades State Park is about 15 minutes east of Sioux Falls by the city of Garretson. The state park is the smallest in the South Dakota state park system but it is filled with great views, trails, and history. It features Sioux Quartzite cliffs and rock formations.

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