Who Is More Stressed Minnesota, Iowa, Or South Dakota?
It's the holiday season and that can mean lots of stress. Where do you think folks feel most stressed...Minnesota, Iowa, or South Dakota? Here's the breakdown!
There are lots of things to be stressed about this time of year.
Holiday shopping, family get-togethers, company parties, and all the regular stuff that makes us anxious.
Wallethub points out that “overall stress levels are not uniform across the country and certain states worry more than others about specific issues.”
In a study, Wallethub found that the "10 Most Stressed States" are all down south...
- Louisiana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- West Virginia
- Mississippi
- Arkansas
- Oklahoma
- Alabama
- Texas
- Tennessee
It must be very stressful living in the southern United States!?
Check it out...the LEAST Stressful States are all right around here!
- Iowa-40
- South Dakota-48
- Minnesota-49
The only state with more chill than Minnesota is the “Beehive State”. That's Utah. I didn't know they were the Beehive State either. I had to look it up.
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