What Would South Dakota’s 1st Governor Say If He Were Alive Today?
Did you know that as of Nov. 2nd South Dakota has been a state for 128 years? I had no idea.
Did you know that as of the same date the state of South Dakota has had 32 Governors? I had no idea myself, but it's true.
South Dakota's current Governor is Dennis Daugaard, but the state's first Governor was Arthur C. Mellette. Mellette held the office from 1842-1896.
Oh...and here's a fast fact for ya: Of South Dakota's 32 Governors 1 was a Populist, 5 were Democrats, and 26 were Republicans.
I wonder what South Dakota's Governor, Arthur C. Mellette, would say if he were alive today? Probably something like: "Wow, I've 175 years old".
Happy Birthday South Dakota!
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