When I was a kid my older sister got a copy of Donavan's "Mellow Yellow".  She played it non-stop for weeks on her Panasonic turntable.  And I mean again and again and again.  It had to stop.  One day, while my sister MIA, my older brother and I mounted an after hours covert recon assault on her room.  Once we secured the offending 45 rpm record it was rushed to a hiding place deep in our barns haymow.  Success.  So we thought.  Although our sister suspected that we were involved in her records disappearance, she had no proof.  To our profound disappointment she found a replacement for Donavan.  Vengeance was hers.  It was the Monkeys "I'm a Believer".  Again and again and again.  Check and mate.  We lose.

WHAT IS THE ONE SONG YOU CAN'T STAND?  You know, the one song when you hear it you want to hurt something.  Or the one that brings back bad memories?  PLEASE TELL US!


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