What Are the Top Health Concerns in Sioux Falls?
A survey that took well over a year has compiled information by the Sioux Falls medical community is looking to improve the health of South Dakota's largest city. There are three key areas in the report that are priority health issues.
According the Live Well Sioux Falls here are the three key areas:
- Access - Health care costs are a concern among residents (64 percent cite cost as a health care barrier)
- Behavioral Health - More than one-third of residents say they have been diagnosed with depression
- Chronic Disease - More than two-thirds of adults (68 percent) are overweight or obese, and nearly half of Sioux Falls adults are classified as having high blood pressure
The findings were collected from a collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment by the Sioux Falls Health Department, Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center, Avera Heart Hospital, and Sanford USD Medical Center.
Live Well Sioux Falls has 2019 Community Health Status Report posted on its website.
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