Walk Run Race for Their Lives Fighting SIDS in South Dakota
Lachlan Edwards was a cherubic 101/2-month-old who was learning to walk, loved playing ball and peek-a-boo and was adored by his family. Then on May 12, 2008, the Edwards family's world changed forever, when Lach became a victim of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) while at daycare.
His family has made it their mission, since then, to help others who find themselves walking in the same shoes on an uncertain path. To that end, they founded Lach's Legacy, to provide connection, comfort, and hope.
It is a program of the CJ Foundation for SIDS that is "working in the fight against SIDS in South Dakota by providing bereavement support, SIDS and safe-sleep education and awareness, as well as helping to fund SIDS-related research."
Saturday, June 8, from 7 AM to noon, you can be a part of the effort to support families who have lost a child to SIDS, by joining the Walk Run Race for Their Lives at Harrisburg South Middle School (600 S. Cliff Avenue). This fun event includes a 10K, a 5K run/walk, 1-mile fun walk, and a kids 1-mile run.
You can register online through May 24 at a lower price and you'll also receive a t-shirt. Every participant gets a goody bag and there will be awards and prizes for each age group, male and female, cash awards for the overall winner and even master's division male and female champs.
Packet pick-up is on Friday, June 7, from 4 to 7 PM in the Harrisburg South Middle School commons.
All proceeds from this event will be split between Lach's Legacy and the City of Harrisburg's community enhancement fund.
For more information see Lach's Legacy online, on Facebook, Harrisburg Days Walk Run Race for Their Lives Facebook page, and the CJ Foundation for SIDS on Facebook.
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