The World Has Been Waiting for a Fruitcake Movie, Right?
Many years ago we heard about a bakery in the small Texas town of Corsicana, (located about an hour southeast of Dallas) that made amazing fruitcakes, which were sold all over the world. Collin Street Bakery makes and sells nearly 2 million fruitcakes every year! (Who says nobody likes fruitcake?!)
We got in touch with them and they sent us one- -for free! It was absolutely delicious! But, truth be told, this movie starring Will Ferrell and Academy Award winner Laura Dern (which is being filmed right now) won't really be about fruitcake. It will be about the guy who embezzled more than $16 million from one of the most famous fruitcake bakeries in the world.
Sandy Jenkins, was described by townspeople in Corsicana (according to a Texas Monthly article in 2016) as a "little ol’ bitty toothpicky” man, with droopy eyes, a weak chin, and the personality of an aged basset hound." He was a nerdy, quiet, guy who longed for the good life and went out and stole it!
He and his wife were arrested in 2014, and in 2015, he was sentenced to federal prison for 10 years, while his wife got 5 years probation for conspiracy to commit money laundering.
What I can't decide is, will this be a comedy with Will Ferrell playing a nebbishy, Walter Mitty-type daydreamer, or a dramatic biopic?
I guess we'll all find out, but in the meantime...who says no one likes fruitcake?
Sources: KXXV TV and Texas Monthly

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