I sometimes have many random thoughts when I can't sleep on Sunday nights.

Maybe it's the Sunday Scaries, maybe my sleep rhythm gets out of wack over the weekend, or maybe I'm just weird.

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90s Nostalgia: The Era of Kid-and-Animal Movies

Whatever the reason, I had an extraordinary thought pop into my head when I couldn't sleep Sunday night, "Why were there so many kid/animal movies in the 90s?"

Usually, a kid was somehow best friends with an animal. Sometimes the animal could talk, sometimes they didn't. The animal companions ran the gamut from dogs and cats to gorillas and whales.

What did I realize taking this trip down memory lane? As a pre-pubescent girl, I thought most of these young actors were cute. I guess the animals were cute too.

The 90s Obsession with Kid-and-Animal Movies

How many of these do you remember?

Source: IMDb

25 ’90s Movies That Should Have Been Bigger

These 25 flops and bombs from the 1990s deserve a much bigger audience. Go seek them out on streaming or Blu-ray.


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