This past Sunday (August 6) was a day for the dogs, but humans deserve a huge round of applause!   

As a runner, and a dog lover, the 4th annual "Run for the Pack" hosted by the Sioux Empire Pit Rescue organization was the best of both worlds for me.  However, for the dogs it was a chance to socialize with other dogs and humans.  It was also a chance for the dogs to prove that the labels and stereotypes given to Pit Bulls are well...bull!

The Sioux Empire Pit Rescue strategically placed adoptable dogs throughout the park. The dogs and their foster humans encouraged participants to give the dogs treats, belly rubs, and play together!  

As I made the rounds, I heard the heartbreaking experiences of some of the dogs.  It was difficult for me to imagine how someone could hit, starve, or shoot (yes shoot!) at a dog.  No wonder they are scared and act out! 

The foster humans have worked really hard to help these dogs grow in trust.  The dogs are trained in the basic commands and socialized to the extent to which they can handle.  It warmed my heart to watch the people on hand that day interact with the dogs with the goal of adoption.  

Photo by Nick Larsen
Photo by Nick Larsen

If you are looking to adopt a dog, I would encourage you to look up the folks at Sioux Empire Pit Rescue. I promise it will leave you wondering who rescued who?




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