Visiting South Dakota? Be Sure And Try Chislic!
South Dakota welcomes million's of tourist every year from, not only around the United States, but around the world. There is so much to see and do...visit the Shrine of Democracy, Mt. Rushmore. Stop in for some free ice water at Wall Drug. Take some photo's of the World's Only Corn Palace in Mitchell. Maybe an afternoon picnic at Falls Park in Sioux Falls. Try for a Royal Flush while having a cold beer in Deadwood. Or maybe knock down a bird or two during pheasant season in the Winner area.
Oh, and try a tasty piece or two of chislic.
Chislic? What the heck is chislic?
Well, for those of us that have spent a few years (or decades!) in the Sunshine state, we know what chislic is...but in doing some scientific research (Ok, ok, I stumbled across it while goofing off on the internet), I discovered that a lot of people have no idea what chislic is, and may have never heard of it!
According to our friends at wikipedia chislic is 'most commonly localized to the state of South Dakota'. Really? You folks in Rhode Island and Missouri don't enjoy chislic? The people of Georgia and New Mexico don't have an annual chislic feed?
Alright, back to the main question: What is chislic?
Apparently it depends on where you are in our great state. In the Pierre area, chislic is a marinated meat, dipped in batter and deep-fat fried. In the Sioux Falls area, chislic, usually deep fried mutton, is a popular bar food to accompany cold beer. In the Watertown area, chislic, usually deep fried beef, is found on most appetizer menus. In the Redfield area, chislic is deep fried beef with a side of toast and Lawry's Seasoned Salt. Annually in Freeman, a chislic feast is held.
So in summation, the term, while non-specific to any particular meat or seasoning, generally describes wild game, mutton, or beef which is deep fried or grilled, and served hot on a skewer or toothpick.
So the next time you visit the greatest state in the nation, ask at least two questions: How do I get to Mt. Rushmore...and...Where can I find a few pieces of chislic?
Wikipedia Contributed To This Article
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