South Dakota Is a Pretty Good State for Working at Home
At the beginning of our historic pandemic, I was separated from the guy I have worked with every day in the same space for almost 28 years. He stayed put and I worked from a home studio set up by our awesome engineer.
When said partner and I weren't on the air, we communicated by Facetime and text. And honestly, he is just as annoying over those mediums as he is in person, so all was good.
In truth, I did miss the people I work with, but I didn't have to get up as early, the commute was fantastic and the snacks- -delicious (gaining the COVID 19 is not a myth!). I did follow the advice of experts who said you should still follow your routine, so I got up, brushed my teeth, made my bed, and walked into my home office to start the day.

According to WalletHub, working from home in South Dakota is pretty good. Our state came in 14th out of all the states in their latest survey of the Best & Worst States for Working at Home.
The best work-from-home conditions include low costs, reasonable comfort and a high level of security.--WalletHub
They compared the states and District of Columbia using two basic categories, A) Work environment, and B) Living environment. Within those categories, they considered internet access, internet cost, home square footage, and more.
They also compiled some interesting statistics.
Prior to this pandemic, just 20% of all employed people whose jobs could be done from home actually worked from home all or most of the time. Now, that number has risen to 71%, with 54% saying they would want to continue working from home after the pandemic ends.- -WalletHub
To see the full report, see WalletHub.
Source: WalletHub
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