Thanks to all the hard work from volunteer crews and neighborhood residents, like you, Sioux Falls is a much cleaner city to live in today.

The results are back from the 2017 Project NICE (Neighborhood Improvement/Complaint Easement) and Project KEEP (Keep Environmental Enhancement Permanent) cleanup efforts, and I must say, they are impressive.

KDLT News is reporting clean-up crews removed the most material in the history of the 28 year-old project.

The annual clean-up events took place over four separate areas throughout Sioux Falls during the week of April, 24. According to the KDLT News report, three ground crews removed 765.29 tons of rubble and solid waste, 31.83 tons of tires, 21.53 tons of appliances, 1.69 tons of yard waste, 2.23 tons of scrap metal, and 437.87 tons of wood waste.

That's a whole lot of rubbish and waste! 

Three mobile home parks in the city were also part of the clean-up area. Volunteers and neighborhood residents helped make up three different ground crews that picked up more than six tons of waste from the three mobile home parks that were also part of Project NICE/KEEP.

When you total up all the efforts in every designated neighborhood area, crews removed more than 1,260 tons of unwanted material during Project NICE/KEEP 2017.

LuAnn Ford, Public Health Manager and Project NICE/KEEP Administrator told KDLT News, “We couldn’t be more pleased with the ongoing success of Projects NICE and KEEP.  We are grateful for the hard work of our volunteer crews and the neighborhood residents.”

Again, congratulations and a BIG thank you to everyone who donated their time and efforts during this year's clean-up events.

Sioux Falls is a cleaner, safer, and much healthier community because of it.

Source: KDLT TV

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