Just look around Sioux Falls and you'll soon discover that "now hiring" is still a very popular phrase on signs all over the city.

Is this a good time to enter the job market and start a career here? Absolutely! And if your own eyes and ears don't tell you that, this new study from Wallet Hub will confirm it.

career parth sign
Getty/Thinkstock Images and Canva

Wallet Hub looked at over 180 of the largest cities in the U.S. and compared them in two major categories:

  • Professional Opportunities - like availability of entry-level jobs, monthly average starting salaries, unemployment rates, job satisfaction, entrepreneur-friendliness, and employer-based retirement access & participation
  • Quality of Life - including median annual incomes, commuter-friendliness, housing affordability, fun-friendliness, family-friendliness, and single-friendliness

After comparing and contrasting these cities they were ranked numerically from best to worst.

Sioux Falls ranked 28th out of 182 cities in this study, which is a good indicator that this city of ours is a very good place to look for a career start and even a long-term career stay.

career circle with arrows
Getty/Thinkstock Images and Canva

READ MORE: Five of South Dakota's best sandy beaches

You can check out the complete study - with plenty of advice for career seekers too, at Wallet Hub.

The 10 Largest Occupations in Sioux Falls

Where do people in Sioux Falls work? If this was fifty years ago the average Sioux Fallsian worked in some industrial, meat packing, or farm-related position. Sioux Falls has also been the major regional medical center for decades.

Customer service and other retail-related jobs have always been a part of the Sioux Empire's economy. But in recent years those industries have become major employers.

If you live in Sioux Falls, there's a pretty good chance you work one of these jobs. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the top 10 largest occupations in Sioux Falls (as of 2022).

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

Twelve South Dakota Places to Put on Your "Must Visit" List!

Make the most of summer in South Dakota and visit these spots that speak to why SD is great!

A lot of them you might have visited, some you haven't for sure, and some are old favorites that maybe you haven't been to in a while. So, while there is still a little time or even one more weekend, and gas prices are down a bit - - try and make it to one of these great places.
What can be found in these 12 locations?

What can't? Camping, fishing swimming, kayaking, birdwatching, and tons of other great outdoors-type activities. Historical, educational exploration, hobby interests, kids activities, just plain old beautiful scenery, and- - to use an overused phrase- -lots more!

With all of that in mind, let's dive in!

Gallery Credit: Patty D

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