On Monday evening Sioux Falls City Councilor Theresa Stehly posted a message on her Facebook page stating: “Dear facebook followers and friends, for the record,I have received a voicemail from our Mayor threatening to block me if I post on his facebook page.”

Stehly then posted a Youtube video with the audio of the call from Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken who matter of factly voiced the following:

“Hey, Theresa it's Paul. It's about 4:15. Say, we had a discussion a while back when we were talking about water reclamation and your desire to go on my facebook page and stir up comments and I told you how I didn't appreciate that. And I see it's happening again. I think last time you mentioned that it was to defend yourself. I see no reason for you to be using my page, my forum to advance your agenda / your position. You have a facebook page. Feel free to use it accordingly and not cannibalize mine. So we're going to have to block you from my page if that continues. So I would ask that you show some respect for that. I appreciate it. Thank you. Have a good day.”



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