Sioux Empire Facing Critical Blood Donation Shortages
The need for donated blood is constant and unfortunately, our current global pandemic situation has led to shortages across the country. Sadly, we're not immune here in Sioux Falls either. So the call has gone out for donations and many businesses are jumping in to help with blood donation events.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is encouraging people to continue to donate, especially now, even if you are social distancing, as long as you are well and able to.
You can still go out and give blood. We're worried about potential blood shortages in the future. Social distancing does not have to mean social disengagement.
- -U.S. Surgeon General
The Community Blood Bank has declared a critical shortage of blood for our area due to increasing demand and decreasing donations. Tinner's Public House has stepped up to help by hosting three "Life of the Party" blood drives this month, Wednesday, September 9, Wednesday, September 16, and Monday, September 21 on the Waterfall Plaza (South Minnesota Avenue & 69th Street).
Due to the COVID-19 situation, you must schedule an appointment in order to donate, and all three days offer multiple time slots between 11 AM to 1:30 PM and from 3 to 6 PM.
Everyone who donates gets a cool "Life of the Party" event t-shirt and - - a warm feeling in your heart that you are doing something that can and does save lives!
For more information call the Community Blood Bank at 605-331-3222.

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