Kesha Dedicates Heavenly ‘Hymn’ Video to DREAMers
Whether kids are born near or far, they all look toward the same stars, and Kesha drives the point home beautifully in her new video for "Hymn," which she says is dedicated to DREAMers.
Released Thursday (May 31), the video finds the Rainbow singer adrift in twilight before she's joined by fellow outcasts — suddenly the group is fixated on a single star. The origin of the light eventually reveals itself (it's a car's headlights), and Kesha sings as the group bobs along: "This is a hymn for the hymnless, kids with no religion / Yeah, we keep on sinning, yeah, we keep on singing / Flying down the highway, backseat of the Hyundai."
In a supplementary Twitter thread, Kesha said the video is a statement to kids who face deportation as consequence of politics surrounding the looming end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). She said meeting United We Dream co-founder Cristina Jiménez earlier this year inspired her to fight more aggressively on behalf of DREAMers, and encouraged fans to contribute to the #HereToStay network.
"These are stories of people who are currently having their lives, their dreams and their pursuit of happiness in this free country, taken away from them. At my shows, I dedicate my song ‘Hymn’ to DREAMers because I don’t believe that people who came to this country as children should be punished by potentially having their families torn apart if they haven’t done anything wrong. Unfortunately, these young people are immediately at risk of losing their access to higher education, lawful employment, and relief from deportation," she noted.
"We are all the same, born into whatever circumstance the universe hands us, and I believe it should be a right to be able to dream big," she concluded.
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