Kesha Brings Rainbows and Glitter and Confetti, Oh My!
I saw Kesha perform live at The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Sioux City, IA and it was such a good time!
The temps were in the upper 90s, but no one cared! Everyone was having a great time in spite of the weather!
I think Kesha mentions glitter in just about every song she has every sung so of course the crowd was covered in glitter. I thought I was so original with my body glitter, but everybody was shimmering and shining!
There were also plenty of pride flags and rainbows to be found. Kesha's latest album is called Rainbow, so it seemed fitting. And the confetti! There was so much confetti! Especially during her song "Blow," she had a light up confetti cannon!
Other notable things that happened include:
- Kesha has a potty mouth. Not really a surprise, but still notable.
- During "Take It Off" stripping was encouraged and there were lots of articles of clothing on the stage.
- Kesha loves a good costume change. I believe she wore four different outfits!
- She forgot the words to "Blow" but she just literally sang, "I forgot the words right here."
- Her stage was a giant spaceship.
My only complaint is that it could have been longer. She played for about an hour and half and played 13 songs, which were all awesome, but songs that were notably absent were "Crazy Kids," "C'Mon," and "Blah Blah Blah." I was also surprised she didn't do more songs off of her new album. I was a big fan of her album, Rainbow and was bummed that she didn't do "Rainbow," "Let 'Em Talk," "Hymn," or "Boots."
But, ya know what they say, leave them wanting more!
Also, I'm still hoarse from the show because one does not simply sing along at a Kesha show, one must scream all the words. Especially during "Praying," the crowd was so loud!!!
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