Every Man's Worst Nightmare... The Groin Shot

Ah yes, the dreaded hit to the family jewels. It's the kind of pain that instantly turns a grown man into a crumpled heap, grasping at life and dignity.

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The Pain

Imagine someone tapping on a bruise... now multiply that by 100 and throw in a side of nausea for good measure. It's a one-way ticket to an instant time-out, leaving a guy questioning all his life choices.

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Read More: Arkansas Couple Arrested for Trying to Sell Baby for Beer and $1K 

The Destruction

Here we honor some of the finest (and funniest) examples of groin carnage ever recorded in the U.S. The true heroes of this list have been immortalized by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 

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Reading these accounts might cause you to relive your own "nut-shot" nightmares. Proceed with caution, especially if you're seated uncomfortably close to sharp corners or mischievous toddlers.

Without further ado... The Funniest and Most Painful Ways Men Have Destroyed Their Junk.

The Funniest And Most Painful Ways Men Injured Their Junk

The Consumer Product Safety Commission keeps a running tally of E.R. visits in the U.S., with short descriptions of how each person got hurt.
Someone went through E.R. records to find the funniest ways men injured their JUNK.

"So, gentlemen, let these cautionary tales remind us all—whether it's a trampoline, a lawn mower, or just a good old bike ride, always be mindful of the most sensitive area of the body. Stay safe out there!"

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