Hit Television Show Shouts Out Minnesota Again
I have been on a major binge-watching spell lately! My latest show of choice is Law & Order: SVU. While it has been on for decades, I have always tried to watch it and been sidetracked. This time around, I started from the beginning and it's been super good so far.
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For the second time since I started fresh, Minnesota got a mention on the show. This is always very random to me because Minnesota is a long way from New York where the show takes place. Maybe one of the writers is from Minnesota!

I am on season five and was watching episode three when my ears perked up. The episode is titled Mother and it was a pretty disturbing episode, so I won't go into all the gory details. If you watch the show or know of it, you already know it has some tough subject matter.
Nonetheless, Minnesota was mentioned in this episode and helped to tie the entire plot line together! The mention comes within the last few minutes of the episode, when Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler are interviewing a woman in a cell in jail.
The woman explains that her mom left her with relatives in the Land Of 10,000 Lakes. Things might have turned out differently if she stayed there, but considering she is being interviewed by detectives in a jail in New York City, she clearly didn't.
Mother nearly beat me to death, and left me with relatives in Minnesota. Told me never to come back.
Again, I won't get into the gory details because like all other episodes of this show, they are pretty dark. I highly suggest watching it yourself if you want to hear Minnesota get a little love in this episode.
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There have been many other instances of Minnesota or Wisconsin getting some love in big television shows, especially lately. Shows filmed not too far from our region often name drop Minnesota or Wisconsin, like Chicago PD. Being name dropped in an iconic show like Law & Order is just as fun!