How Old is Too Old for Trick-or-Treating?
I don't remember at what age I stopped trick-or-treating, but in all honesty, my height was in my favor. When you're 5 foot tall you can theoretically elongate the amount of time you continue begging for Halloween candy.
I think our mom probably made us stop around 11 or 12, but some kids continue long after elementary school is in their rear-view mirror, literally.
About half of the people responding to a survey back in 2015 picked an age between 12 and 15 as the age at which kids needed to hang up their Power Ranger suits and Freddy Krueger masks.
When I got my first apartment, I was excited to hand out candy to little ghouls and goblins, but what appeared at my door were a lot of big teenagers with no costumes, no makeup, and no excuses for why they shoved pillowcases in my face and screamed "Trick-or-Treat!"
That wasn't the norm most years but it was off-putting every time it happened. If teenagers are going to trick-or-treat they should put a little effort into it; at the very least, make an attempt at a costume.
And in case anyone is wondering, no - a hoodie does not constitute a costume. It just makes you look like you're there to rob the place, especially if you're holding a nondescript bag or pillowcase!
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