Girls and Boys Doing Household Chores
Rocio Alba Gonzalez/Getty Images

Boys who have sisters are more likely to kick back and let the ladies do all the housework.

That's according to a new study where researchers talked to 10-year olds in 1987.

Only 60% of 10-year old boys said they were expected to help out with things like the dishes, the vacuuming, the cleaning and all the other household chores.

Conversely, 82% of girls said they were expected to do all that stuff.

Years later, when the 10-year-olds became adults, the research revealed that boys still thought those types of household chores fell under the "women's work" category.

It’s almost like in some household’s boys and girls assumed the duties of husbands and wives growing up.

That wasn’t the case in my house. I was the oldest child growing up and remember doing my fair share of dishes and house cleaning. My mother seemed to dole out the duties evenly between all the siblings. Although I do remember my sister being quite lazy as a child, so my brother and I had dishpan hands more frequently than she did as I remember.

Interestingly enough there's also a political slant to these findings, as boys with sisters were also 8.3% more likely to agree with Republican and conservative attitudes toward women.

3.8% of those men agreed that "a woman's place is in the home."

The more sisters a boy had and the closer in age he was to them, the more apt he was to think women should be the ones tending to all the household chores.

Speaking of doing household chores, dividing up the chores can also payoff when you get married later in life. There’s a study out that shows divorce rates are far lower when a man helps out his wife around the house.

So if you want to save your marriage guys forget the chocolates, the romantic getaways and all those extravagant gifts, just grab a vacuum and get to work!  

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