Flooding Updates Near Brandon
While some landowners are breathing a sigh of relief that floodwaters are not going to be as high as originally predicted, other families have packed up as much as they could and voluntarily evacuated their homes filling with water.
The Big Sioux River is expected to be at high levels throughout the week, with two crests anticipated, today (March 25) and Thursday (March 28).
Road closures in the Brandon area include Highway 11, just south of the intersection with Madison Street, and various gravel roads that have been compromised due to flooding. Barricades are up at the Big Sioux Recreation Area entrance in Brandon, as well as road closed signs on the bridge just west of the recreation area.
Dell Rapids has experienced homes with basements half-full of flood water. Sandbagging continues throughout the region. Record level flooding is possible.
Splitrock Creek originally was estimated to have flood levels of around 17 feet, which could have set a new record high. Projections now bring it in the moderate flooding stage, returning to normal levels by Wednesday (March 27)
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