The A.L.S. "Ice Bucket Challenge" is huge at the moment.

Everyone from George W. Bush to Justin Bieber to Charlie Sheen is doing it.

I'm guessing there's probably a very good chance that you've been nominated, or will soon be nominated to get wet.

The challenge requires the person nominated to either write a check for $100.00 to help fight Lou Gehrig's Disease, otherwise known as A.L.S. or take an ice cold bucket of water over the head while being videotaped, then nominate three more people to take the challenge.

In the event you get nominated soon, here are five tips to make sure you don't mess the Ice Bucket Challenge up, or worse yet, end up hurting yourself, like a few people already have done.

  • Don't have someone dump the water on you from a balcony. They could end up accidentally dropping the whole bucket by mistake. It might hit you and go boom. You don't want that!
  • Don't take the challenge somewhere slippery. Outside on the grass is a perfect place. In the shower or in your kitchen, not so much.
  • Don't use too much water. Remember, you or someone else has to be able to lift the bucket over your head. You don't want to use some super heavy container. You also don't want to go to the other extreme, and be the lame person who just dumps a GLASS of ice water over your head either.
  • Act excited to take the challenge. How many of these videos have you watched where the person nominated has zero energy. Your video will be so much more entertaining if you show a little enthusiasm about doing it.
  • Make your challenge quick. Don't spend a long time setting the stage. People are just going to skip that part anyway and go directly to the dousing, unless you end up doing something creative. Simply say you've been nominated by whoever, nominate your three people, and then take your ice bath like a man. The whole thing should last no more than 30 seconds tops.

You should know the A.L.S. Association has taken in over $41 Million Dollars in donations thanks to the "Ice Bucket Challenge" from July 29th through August 21st. Thanks to you, that number will keep on growing.

If you've helped, thanks for your participation!

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