Costco’s Secret Price Tag Meanings Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota!
Did you know that when you are shopping at a Costco in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota the price tags have hidden secret discount meanings that could save you money!?
You might want to keep this handy when you are shopping at one of the Costco Wholesale stores in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota.
There is some pricing information on a Costco tag that could save you some cash.
At the very least it will tell you something a lot of Costco shoppers don't know.
Look very closely at the price tags.
There is inside information that could come in handy when you are shopping the Costco isles in Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, and around the nation.
Check out these hidden meanings behind the prices you'll see on tags when shopping in the Costco wholesale chain...
- $.99...Things with a price tag ending with .99 are FULL PRICE items.
- $.97...Things with a price tag ending with .97 mean that these are discounted or clearance items.
- $.00...Things with a price tag ending with .00 mean that these are Manager Markdowns and they are generally marked at a really low price.
- $.49 or $.79...Things marked with these prices indicate either a trial run or a manufacturer's deal. These are typically lower than the retail price.
- * ...If an item has an asterisk * in the upper right-hand corner of the price tag (also known at Costco as the “death star”) these products will not be reordered so if ya want 'em ya better stock up.
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