Back-to-school supplies
Back-to-school supplies
loading... is another free credit monitoring website. It publishes articles on subjects ranging from identity theft to stock market tips, saving money to choosing low-rate credit cards and much, much more.

Here are a few great back-to-school shopping tips from them:

  1. Make sure you set a budget before you start your shopping, otherwise you run the risk of going way overboard. Know what is needed and what you can afford to spend.
  2. Leave the kids at home, you don’t need the guilt of your kids begging for things they’d love to have but don’t need.
  3. Try to use cash instead of credit, but if you have to use credit-shop smart. Remember that budget?
  4. Stay away from store credit cards no matter how tempting it may be, too many credit inquiries on your credit report is just one reason to say, “no”!
  5. Don’t shop when you’re tired, rushed or hungry. Think about the last time you shopped for groceries when you were starving, dead-dog tired and in a hurry. Disaster! Right? The same rules apply to back-to-school shopping.

So do yourself and your pocketbook a favor; follow these tips and maybe this year will be a bit less stressful on you and your finances.

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