The Summer Solstice isn't until next Tuesday, June 21 when we have the longest day of the year. But, today we are going to crank up the heat for one of the hottest days so far this year.

National Weather Service Sioux Falls
National Weather Service Sioux Falls

The steamy temps today will be driving many of us in Sioux Falls for shade, or better yet the swimming pool. And, we have some pretty cool suggestions for you. There are nine great swimming pools and aquatic centers to enjoy in the Sioux Falls area.

Of course, most will want to do their splashing outside, but the Midco-Aquatic Center provides indoor swimming fun.

The key today will be to stay cool and hydrated. You can do both at the swimming pool. Provided you don't drink the pool water!

National Weather Service Sioux Falls
National Weather Service Sioux Falls

With the heat index inching close to triple digits let the kids take over the swimming pools during the afternoon. But make way for the adults who have been working outside in the heat all afternoon later tonight.

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I can tell you from personal experiences you will want to abide by the 5-S's today:

  • SLIP on a t-shirt
  • SLOP on SPF 30+ broad-spectrum UVA sunscreen
  • SLAP on a broad-brimmed hat
  • SLIDE on quality sunglasses
  • SHADE from the sun whenever possible


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