Could you go a week without your Smartphone? How about if you got to use a Flip Phone and you got a $1000 bucks?

Frontier Communications has your chance to go back to the ’90s. They are celebrationg the 30th anniversary of the first folding phone. And the folks at wants you to use a flip phone for one week. No Cheating.

They will want to know how did you sleep? Were you more or less productive? How long did things take? Did it feel like you went back in time? And one lucky winner will get $1,000 explains this is what happens if you’re the person we choose: “You’ll be responsible for using a flip phone in place of your smartphone for seven full days (that’s 168 hours!), and we want you to log your experience. We’ll have you track (don’t worry, your info stays safe with us!) how long it takes you to do basic tasks such as texting and checking email, how many times you wish you could Google something, how many hours you slept, how your productivity changed (or didn’t!), and even if you were late to appointments (after all, how does anyone get around without Google Maps?). Was your experience #TheWorstThingEver? Did you find new freedom? Either way, we want to hear about it.”

If you want to apply you will need to fill out the form at

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