Weekly Volunteer Opportunities at Helpline Center
Are you looking for a way to change your life for the better? Do you want to forge new friendships and lasting human connections in Sioux Falls? If you answered yes to either of those questions, volunteering may be the pathway to your goals.
The Helpline Center is all about bringing people together, to help, to give hope, to make connections, which benefit the volunteer and the people and organizations they donate their time and talents to.
Here are just a few of the opportunities the Helpline Center has right now:
- Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive - Saturday, May 11 - Volunteers are needed to help Feeding South Dakota and the US Postal Service meet their goal of helping hungry people in the Sioux Falls area. You'll be asked to help postal workers unload the food items at four Hy-Vee stores in Sioux Falls from 10 AM to noon or noon to 2 PM.
- 1:1 Computer Classes - Caminando Juntos, a Hispanic Ministry Center here in Sioux Falls needs you to help tutor adult learners on basic computer skills, programs, and functions. Classes begin from June to August, you set your own schedule and if you speak Spanish, that's even better!
- Walk MS/Sioux Falls - You'll be helping to mark the walk route, register participants, work in the food tent and more.
- HOBY South Dakota (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) - There are so many ways to be involved in this large-scale community project which involves 200 high school sophomores gathering together for activities of all kinds.
For more information call 211 or see Helpline Center online or on Facebook.