Smoking Cheese in South Dakota with a Traeger Pellet Grill
What do you do on a November weekend in Sioux Falls when the temps don't rise above freezing? At my house, you smoke cheese.
A couple of years ago I started smoking cheese on my Traeger Pellet Grill. I have smoked cheeses of all kinds but this is the first time I've tried smoking cheese curds. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
After cold smoking the cheeses for about 4 hours with two smoke tubes I vacuum seal the chunks and let them rest in the fridge for about 4 weeks. This allows the smoke flavor to mellow and soak into the cheese.
This time around I stacked in a variety of cheese including:
- Mozzarella
- Pepper Jack
- Habanero Cheddar
- Glouchester with Blue Stilton
- Artigiano
- Dutch Gouda
- Garlic Cheddar Cheese Curds
If you have thought about smoking cheese but have never tried it, do it. It's a hit at holiday parties or if you are just stuck at home on a cold winter night.