Sioux Falls ‘Ducks of Hazzard’
Wednesday evening I was driving home from work. I was cruising along with the flow of traffic on 57th Street in southern Sioux Falls. I think most everyone in the traffic flow was driving about the same rate of speed.
Then things got interesting.
While I was busy looking around at the all the green the recent spring rains have provided us with I noticed the car in front of me slowing down, and finally stopping in front of me.
I had the hardest time trying to figure it out. Was there an accident in front of me that I couldn't see, blocked by traffic? I wasn't sure.
Then brake lights came off, and traffic started moving again. It wasn't until then that I noticed a mama duck with her little ones crossing the rest of the street on the shoulder of the road.
It's just another reminder for your drive home. In the fall it's deer season, especially along Southeastern and 57th Streets here in Sioux Falls. In the spring, we have to make a mental note to watch for ducks.
Kind of reminded me of a TV show I used to watch while growing up. With a little different spelling of course.
Side note: photo shown above was taken earlier this year on 42nd Street. I took the photo, while safely pulled over with the Samsung S7 (awesome phone) I use courtesy of Sprint-Sioux Falls.
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